Fatouma Goes To Switzerland
Ms. Fatouma Toure from our first cohort of Bourse Jackie scholarship recipients arrived in Lausanne, Switzerland. She received a scholarship from one of our foundation donors to attend the Villars Palace Academy on a full 2-year scholarship where she will study hospitality and leadership.
As Fatouma said, “every good thing that has happened in my life since I started university and now as a graduate is due to the Bourse Jackie scholarship. It has changed my life. I would not be getting this life-changing opportunity in Switzerland if it were not for the English I learned in Ghana as part of the Bourse Jackie scholarship.”
Students go to Villars Palace Academy from around the world from Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia but she is the only French-speaking student. It forces her to use her English. “I am even taking Spanish classes now”, she told me. I love my new life in Switzerland but still it will take some time to adapt. I am ready to live this adventure with the highest degree of positive attitude.
The Bourse Jackie program really is changing lives for very special and deserving young women from West Africa.